Before there were the floor tiles and vitrified tiles there was the mosaic tile and before the mosaic tile do you remember the concrete floor? Remember the days when we had these floors painted with red oxide and smoothened to such an extent it would shine light off its surface. Those floors were cooler and looked cleaner too. We aren’t forgetting marble here but marble is not only expensive, it is also difficult to maintain. Remember all those brown spots left behind by spilling coffee and tea?
Unlike Vinyl records that are still used, cement floors exist but sparsely. Rincon is recreating fine spaces in the home with a concrete only construction. As a result beautiful kitchens are emerging. Kadappa slabs that used to weigh tonnes were out long ago. Certainly these slabs are a “no-no” in earthquake prone areas. Then came granite but granite has become dearer and requires skilled workmanship to handle it. On the other hand concrete is readily available and with the best hands as with Rincon they are shaped into beautiful works of art. Check out more pictures of concrete kitchens we can design for you. You won’t believe your eyes be that a kitchen for your indoors or outdoors. Kitchen tops, sinks, wash basins, dining tops and serving counters all can be made with concrete.
Rincon can also customize your requirements when it comes to shape and colour too. At Rincon we believe that concrete is easy to maintain, beautiful and timeless. All this for a price lesser than the granite counterparts. Modifications are also easy. Consider making a hole on your kitchen top to accommodate the gas pipe. It takes precision and an electric drill to make just a simple hole on granite. And again it is a carefully performed operation. The same on the concrete kitchen top is much less complicated. These are just few of the advantages of creating with concrete.
Interested? Reach out to us and we’ll send you a quote and let us make your kitchens “stand out” from the crowd.